Underground mines are challenging environments in which to deploy network systems. Connectivity and throughput demands are high, but mine layouts limit how far wireless signals can travel.
Rajant’s fully mobile, autonomous V2X/M2M for underground mining eliminates the struggles of a voice-only leaky feeder with multi-radio high-speed connectivity. Kinetic Mesh provides mission-critical voice and data communication at the working face for mines, which is a robust alternative to traditional wireless systems. Read our underground mining brochure to learn more.
Watch video and discover Proof of Concept at Norcat
Underground mines are also looking to leverage autonomy to meet increasingly stringent safety and productivity mandates. The challenge is that autonomous applications are not only bandwidth-intensive but most require continuous uninterrupted communication otherwise the autonomous vehicle has to stop due to safety reasons until communications is re-established.
Rajant provides a robust alternative to fiber and traditional single radio wireless systems using our multi-radio, multi-frequency BreadCrumb® nodes combined with the Poynting wide-band, bi directional, circular polarized antenna system.
Rajant’s industrial wireless mesh networks bring mission-critical connectivity to underground mines without the need for fiber throughout most of your mine. Save significant OPEX and maintenance costs while adding more network capacity and mobility for capabilities beyond what fiber can effectively support.