Original Image: Aviat iPASOLINK UNMS/EMS


Broadband, Cellular and Data Radios | Broadband Radios

iPASOLINK UNMS/EMS: Unified Solutions for Comprehensive Network Management.

Aviat’s Network Management solution for iPASOLINK, comprising a robust set of tools and interfaces for the administration, operation, and monitoring of telecommunications networks. It caters to the complex needs of modern network management with a focus on efficiency and reliability.

Managing a wireless network is essential. Radios, routers, and third-party add-ons control vast amounts of valuable user data. Any wireless network downtime damages the user’s business and the operator’s long-term reputation. Network operators need a powerful but easy-to-use element management system to monitor and administer all the disparate elements in their wireless communication networks.


  • The suite offers user-friendly interfaces with advanced reporting tools, allowing operators to generate insightful reports on network performance, aiding in informed decision-making.
  • Designed for scalability and flexibility, the NMS suite supports diverse network types and sizes, making it an ideal choice for evolving telecommunications infrastructures.

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