Cambium Solutions for State & Local Government

Connect people to improve communities.

Regardless of the size of your community, people need to be able to seamlessly connect in city centers, at events and throughout facilities. With Cambium Networks’ complete portfolio of fixed wireless and Wi-Fi solutions, you can deploy gigabit-speed bandwidth at a fraction of the cost of leased lines or fiber buildouts.

Our technologies are proven to perform in even the most demanding environments—and with centralized cloud management, you can leverage IT resources across a larger area and support multiple applications and use cases.

What Sets Cambium Networks Apart from Others?


  • Network design software makes it easy to plan coverage and capacity
  • Manage the entire wireless network via the cloud


  • Wireless networks can grow from serving one remote location to covering an entire urban area
  • Our portfolio can be tailored to meet your needs today—and is ready to expand as your needs evolve


  • Deploy wireless connectivity for far less than the cost of trenching fiber
  • Oversee multiple wireless networks simultaneously via cloud management